Our Mission Statement
The existence of The Business Translator depends on the genuine quality services provided and the satisfaction of our clients. Each assignment is handled on a professional basis, while adhering to the prearranged time schedule and price. Our goal is to provide the highest level of translating expertise, each and every day, and to deliver our assignments faster than any other service available. We focus on the individual assignments and provide technically accurate translation services. Our TBT employees are friendly, positive and professional. We treat our clients with respect and the highest regard at all times.
Our dedication to every client goes beyond the completion of the project in question. We follow-up on our services both during and after the project to ensure that the client's expectations have been met. This establishes an ongoing relationship for future growth through mutual appreciation and commitment.

Björn Hallberg,
President & CEO
Björn Hallberg has an academic background in engineering and economics and has worked in commercial real estate as well as the retail industry. He is a true entrepreneur, with expertise in organization and marketing. He is responsible for the development of our brand and the global expansion of our business, as well as being fluent in 4 languages. He is also a certified Language Proficiency Assessor for commercial airline pilots.

Professor Eva Skiöldebrand Styrelsemedlem
- PhD, Professor, forskare vid Statens Lantbruksuniversitet i Uppsala
- Under 10 år anställd på Bayer som ansvarig för registrering och marknadsföring av läkemedel samt forskning och kliniska tester.
- Utöver befattningen i Prologic GmbH har Eva styrelseuppdrag i ett antal företag inom medicinalbranschen.
Why Choose Us
Our transparency and integrity
We utilise the latest technology to reduce overheads
The leading provider of certified legal and financial translation globally We offer personalised service 24/7 High quality and timely delivery Daily capacity of over 3.5 million words ISO17100 Certified Translation Agency CAN/CGSB-131.10 Certified Translation Agency